Sunday, September 29, 2013

Human Evolution and One Reason Why Modern Society is Better than a Zombie Apocolypse

I seem to attract people who enjoy talking about what a failure modern society has become and how they wish the world governments would just collapse already so that, after a given period of chaotic violence, the “legitimately” strong could once again prevail and we could go back to living in tribal anarchy* where human evolution once again exists. Oddly, most of these people are computer nerds (or, to a lesser extent, rednecks, who probably would benefit from such a system...provided they are male). They think this is the superior way to live, and go so far as to say it is healthier because it is more “natural”.

It deserves mentioning that there is a snowball’s chance in hell that either of the two individuals I  most often have these sorts of conversations with would ever survive this manner of “society”. One of them thinks he’s having a seizure every time he nods off at his desk and claims to be chronically hypoglycemic, and thus, needs to smoke excessive amounts of pot, take three different kinds of pills a day and eat constantly. The other has dainty wrists, I’m just sayin’! We’ve had hour upon hour of debate over why/how tribal anarchy does/does not offer a superior standard of living vs modern society. Their arguments tend to boil down to evolution and the idea that we are no longer evolving (Which is not necessarily true. See the end of the post.) because technology has allowed virtually everyone to live in the world, regardless of whether or not they would be fit to do so without such technology (think allergies, chromosomal disorders, compromised immune systems, women with hips too narrow for childbirth...yes, even this one came up) and, thus, we can no longer improve as a species. It’s also tied into the idea (which I do not support) that violence is inherent in human beings and it is easier to express this “natural” aspect of our humanity within the societal structure of tribal anarchy…but for the sake of simplicity, I’m not going to get into that side of this for now.

I take issue with the original matter for many reasons. Perhaps the main one is that I don’t think I would be able to survive in that sort of society. I have allergies, and vision that is impaired enough to make me a useless hunter without corrective lenses, and outside of my "reproductive value" I don't have many real survival skills to offer...unless you count the ability to knit warm things. I certainly don’t think I would be privileged to exercise the degree of self-agency that I do today because the model that is described is very patriarchal. It writes off the intellectual value of a human being in favor of physical power. Since women are typically at a disadvantage when it comes to brute force, the value of a woman is reduced primarily to her ability to bear children (hence, the point about women with hips too narrow for childbirth). And women have a lot more to offer than that, and a society that embraces this fact is more likely to succeed and outlive the previous societal model.

Today I came up with a concise response to these arguments:

If evolution is the root of your argument and that by denying evolution taking its path we are doing humanity as a collective whole a disservice, then you would have us deny the path down which evolution has already taken us to a societal structure deemed more beneficial to the species than your preferred structure by the very mechanism that you cite as being the reason why you would prefer tribal anarchy in the first place. What you really propose is just back-tracking, or a loop, since evolution has already shown that we would end up right back here, provided no major events disrupted the natural progression back to this point. Let’s call this Societal Darwinism.

If all else fails, at least its convoluted enough to keep them thinking for the rest of the car ride home.


*Tribal Anarchy is a bit of an odd term that I think might be very specific to the conversations I have with very particular people. So, I feel I should elaborate on what I mean when I say this. The folks who I am talking about in this particular post say they would prefer to do away with government all together and opt for a system of loose anarchy instead (I know, right? My eyes hurt from rolling, too). We have both agreed that in order for something like that to even be plausible, the group size must be small, and in order for that to happen, something would have to happen to greatly thin out the human population. For fun, we'll just say a zombie apocalypse. Then small tribes of people could begin to form and anarchy could (maybe) be a viable option of governance...or non-governance...I guess.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Separation of Church and State....kind of.....

A week ago I attended a debate hosted by the Committee for Future El Paso in (you guessed it!) El Paso, TX to hear arguments on the separation of church and state. It was very timely, as I had recently found myself in a couple of different robust (and petty) Twitter kerfuffles over the matter. So I was interested to see how closely the debate would mirror the conversations I had been having, and I was eager to hear other arguments from both sides that I had never heard, as well as maybe some elaboration on points that I am already familiar with.

What I got instead was a front-row seat to an utter clusterfuck wrought with meandering segue after irrelevant segue marked by a complete lack of consideration, decorum and organization. Mind you, this was mostly due to only one of the debators. I will let you guess which one.

I could rant for a long time on this (there is plenty of material to work with), but I think the debate will speak best (or otherwise) for itself. So, without further ado, I give you, David Marcus and be-stubbled Alec Baldwin doppleganger, Bishop Tom Brown.

(If you want to skip straight to the debate, it starts about 6 minutes in. I really didn’t mind the opening statements, it’s everything after that.)

Friday, September 20, 2013

That's one way to start a blog!

I could not help but bust up laughing, I’m sorry, but the irony, hypocrisy and just sheer hyperbole in this commercial is legitimately entertaining. I give them points for concept. But I have to take some away for promoting misinformation, as well as general inconsistency (since, apparently it’s not okay to implement a program that will extend medical coverage to almost all uninsured women in the US, thus giving them access to gynecology and women’s health services they did not previously have, but it’s perfectly okay to crawl on up inside that baby-making stargate when it involves a woman’s autonomy and reproductive rights)…and probably a couple of points for clunky script writing. But hey! It’s nice to see these folks actually maybe beginning to gather some sort of inkling that women want the government to stay the fuck out of their vaginas?

According to the Guttmacher Institute 93 (out of the originally proposed 694) proposed pieces of state legislation, have been passed in 2013 alone, about half of which pertain directly to restricting reproductive rights…so then again…maybe not…